Invitation to Group A

I would like to invite the following players to join the A training group. The group will comprise a maximum of 10 players.

The purpose of the group is to work at high level in preparation for Grey High interschool competitions, including the two major festivals and Top Schools and is aimed at players who have and intend to pursue a regional and national ranking.

Participation in this group carries a two-fold obligation, to develop yourself as well as others and consequently if sqaush is not your main sport please decline the invitation. Also decline if you cannot commit to the training sessions of Mondays and Wednesdays. When ladder positions are established, you will still be considered for individual event team selection.

Inclusion in this group obligates you to notify the group if you are unable to attend training. Once the group is finalized, I will ammend the Whatsapp group through which all communications should be done.

I will continue with the grading tournament for positions 5 downwards.

The players are the following and in no particular order:

Dean Venter, Ethan Richardson, Ryan van Eyk, Luke Muller, Adrian Mitchell, Jordan Strydom, Marco Giaconi, David Lawrence, Zunaid Lewis, Ben Wessels.